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How are Google reviews calculated?
How are Google reviews calculated?

Find out how the Google review rating is calculated and how to calculate the number of reviews needed to reach your goal.

Bernard Genois avatar
Written by Bernard Genois
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we explain how a Google review rating is calculated. With this calculation, you will be able to estimate how many reviews it will take to increase your Google rating!

Let's take an example of a business that has a Google rating of 3 out of 5 stars. The company currently has 500 online reviews and wants to increase its rating to 4 out of 5 stars.

Here's how we can calculate an estimate of the number of reviews we need to collect to increase the rating to 4 out of 5 stars:

  1. Ask your account manager for the average of the last two months' reviews. This average is required to perform the calculation.

  2. Do the calculation below using the average obtained in point 1.

(Number of reviews at this time) x (target rating - current rating) 
(average review 2 months - target rating)

Let's take the example above to make this calculation, for our example the average review is 4.3.

(500) x (4-3)
(4.3- 4)


500 x 1
------ = 1 667

So at this current rate, to increase the rating to 4 out of 5 stars, you need to collect 1,667 online reviews.

Do not hesitate to write to us on the chat if you have any question or if you need your average of the last two month's reviews.

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