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How to manage alerts
How to manage alerts

Manage your alerts in four steps!

Bernard Genois avatar
Written by Bernard Genois
Updated over a week ago

With InputKit, you are notified in real time when a dissatisfaction is detected or when an alert needs your attention. Find out how to manage alerts in this guide.

The management of alerts is done in 4 steps (4 statuses) and is assigned to a person in charge.

💡 The steps to manage an alert are the same, regardless of the type of alert. To show how to handle an alert, we will take an unhappy customer alert as an example.

Table of contents :

To handle

When the alert has just been detected, it has the status "To handle".

The person in charge of the alert type receives an email to be informed and there is an alert displayed on the dashboard.

To quickly access the alert, you can click on the alert on your dashboard. You will be redirected to the "Results" section with the alert's filter.


You can manually assign an alert to another user by changing the status to "Assigned".

To assign an alert to a user, click on the alert management status list for "Assigned" and select the user who is responsible.

When assigning a user, they will receive an email that tells them to handle the alert. Here is what the email looks like:

The user can click on the link to quickly access and manage the alert.

When an alert is assigned to a user, the status and the employee responsible for the alert are visible in the Results section.

Customer contacted

By changing this status as soon as possible, it will allow to have an important data, that is the delay of the first contact with an alert. When you contact the customer, it freezes the handling time.

Eventually, you will be able to compare this data with other companies in your industry in order and improve your handling times if needed.

There are two ways to change the status of an alert to "Customer contacted":

  1. When you reply to the customer by message via InputKit, the system detects that there has been a contact and the status of the contacted customer changes automatically.

  2. When you contact the customer in other ways, for example by phone, you have to change the status manually.

To change the status manually, you have to click on the status list under "Unhappy customer management", select the status "Contacted customer" and confirm.

The status will be visible in the Results section:


When you have finished handling an alert, you must change its status to "Done".

💡 The only way to make an alert disappear from your dashboard is for it to have the status " Done ". Otherwise, it will still be visible.

To change the status of an alert to "Done", you have to click on the status list under "Unhappy customer management", select the status "Done" and confirm.

Customer does not want to be contacted

If a customer does not want to be contacted, there is nothing you can do. You can set the status directly to "Done". The other steps (assigned and customer contacted) will be done automatically at this moment.

💡If you don't hear back from the customer after a while, you can also change the status to " Done". If the customer responds later, you will be notified of their response and you can continue the follow-up even if the status is at " Done".

Leave internal notes

It is possible to leave internal notes so that your colleagues who use InputKit can see them. The field for writing notes is located under the "Actions" section to the right of the feedback.

💡Internal notes are great for leaving a trace of what you've done and avoiding duplicate work.

To write notes, simply write them in the grey box "Internal notes" and then save using the green button.

It is possible to save several times and to update the notes. To do this, click on the internal notes field, add the notes and then save.

Timeline of tasks performed

The timeline of the tasks performed is located under the section for responding to customers. From here, you can see the customer's responses as well as the tasks that have been completed.

If needed, a guide about alert management prioritization is available on the help center. For quick access 👇

Do not hesitate to write to us on the chat if you have any question.

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