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How do sequence versions work? Find out how to customize a sequence by location
How do sequence versions work? Find out how to customize a sequence by location

Find out everything there is to know about versions in the InputKit platform.

Bernard Genois avatar
Written by Bernard Genois
Updated over a week ago

What is a version?

A version is a location in your InputKit. Versions allow you to change some elements of a sequence and have the changes be independent of other versions. You can also assign alerts to different people in different locations with versions.

Table of contents :

How to add a version to your account

1. Click on your name at the top right and then on "Settings":

2. Click on the "Company" tab:

3.Scroll down to the "Locations" section.

4.Click on "+ Add Office" to enter the name of the office:

5. The office will be added to your account:

6. The version will be accessible in the sequences :

When a version is added, the values for sender name, sender email and notifications are the ones by default. This means that they will be the values of the user with whom the account was created.

To see what the default values are, you can click on the "By default" version in the drop-down menu:

Empty and modified

You will see the captions (Empty) or (Modified) next to the version name in the drop-down menu for selecting a version in a sequence:

When the caption (Modified) is written, it means that the version does not have the default values, that it has been modified.

When the legend (Empty) is written, it means that the version has not been modified, that it contains the default values.

How to modify the values of a version

1. Sender's values (name and email)

If you have multiple locations and want the manager of each location to sign for the sendings, you can put a different sender name for each version. To do so, go to a sequence and look for the "Selected version" button in the upper left corner:

You will be able to select a location to make some modifications:

For example, for my Longueuil office, it is Arthur who has to sign the sendings.

To edit the sender's name, click on "Modify this version" and enter the correct value:

⚠️If you are using SMS sending, don't forget to make these changes at this step too. The way it works is the same for changing the sender name of SMS by version.

To change the sender's email or the reply email address, you must change the fields under the sender's name:

To restore the default value, simply click on "Use default value".

How to apply the values of a version to all sequences

It is possible to apply the name and email of the sender of a version to all the sequences for the same version.

To propagate the sender's name, click on this button:

And confirm that you want to apply the change to all sequences for the same office:

This way, the change will be made everywhere and you will save time.

To propagate the email, you must click on "Modify this version" so that the button is available.

To propagate the email, you just have to click on the blue button and confirm your intention, as with the sender's name.

2. The subject and content of the email

It is possible to have different content in the messages that are sent with the sequences. For example, if you want to specify the location in the subject or the content of the message.

To do this, click on "Modify for this version" and make the changes:

3. The images

It is possible to have different header and background images for different versions. For example, if the location is written in your logo, it may be interesting to put the logo with the location for each version.

To modify the image of a version, select it in the filter and click on the "Modify images" button:

A window will open and you must click on "Modify this version":

This way, the header image will be different depending on the location.

How to assign alerts by version?

To assign alerts for a particular version, select the version in a sequence and click on "Sequence settings":

A window will open to allow you to modify the settings for the alerts:

To change the user in charge of alerts, click on " Modify this version " and select the user in the list:

To apply the change to all sequences for this version, click on this button:

In this way, the user in charge of the alerts will be modified in the other sequences as well.

Do not hesitate to write us on the chat if you have any questions.

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